Managing High Deductible Health Plans
Who got HDHPs?
A health plan with a high deductible can be purchased by anyone, but those who often choose this plan are generally healthy people. Because they are banking on their health and do not plan to have many prescriptions filled or some travel to a doctor or hospital, they are quite comfortable with HDHPs because they probably will never use enough care even Come close to the deductible.
What if something happens?
It is not outside the realm of the possibility that medical can occur, even for healthy people. The heart sometimes doesn't work well, it happens and unfortunately, cancer discriminates no one. If you have generally healthy otherwise, and therefore choose HDHP, one of these unfortunate scenarios could drain your bank account or worse, put you into serious debt.
This is where an additional insurance plan can greatly save the day. Many people are elements of the purpose of this plan, and others have never even heard of it. Do and critical illness plan can offer tens of thousands of dollars of protection if you have unexpected injuries or serious illness.
Suppose you walk outside and slip on some ice at your pace in the winter time. This can cause dozens of injuries, but let's say that when you slip, you break your right ankle. You can not drive yourself to the hospital because (besides the fact that you are in painful pain), you can not work the brake pedal and gas because your ankles are cracked. On the way to the hospital, X-rays, and procedures needed to repair the break, the ambulance ride is certainly not cheap.
How the plan works
In case of an accident, an accident plan usually returns you to a closed injury. If you are diagnosed with a critical illness such as a heart attack or cancer, a critical illness plan will typically pay a lump sum cash. The amount and the reimbursement/payout will vary for each policy and are determined based on the value you decide to register.
With this additional policy, your life has just been simplified and your financial problems put comfortably. If you are experiencing a closed illness or an accident, your high deductible is no longer a problem because you will receive money from your plan to handle a high dollar amount.
You may be thinking "The point HDHP is to save money, and you want me to buy more insurance? "Well technically, yes. HDHPs paired with additional plans can still save money because additional plans are also a reasonable way. You may still be paying less to have three plans versus one primary medical plan with lower reductions.
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